temp home - Lurg Hill WindFarm

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Proposals to construct and operate the five turbine Lurg Hill Wind Farm (up to 130m tip height) and associated infrastructure were granted planning permission in February 2019 (Planning Appeal Reference: PPA-300-2052[1], Planning Application Reference: 17/01198/EIA[2].

Vento ludens is now seeking to enhance the efficiencies and reduce the impact of the Lurg Hill Wind Farm, taking into consideration the feedback received from the public, market changes and advances in turbine technology.

On this basis, vento ludens is proposing to submit a new planning application to increase the turbine tip height from 130m to 149.9m and reducing the number of turbines. Following further consideration of the design, including feedback from the local community, the Applicant is intending to seek planning permission for a three turbine wind farm, a reduction of two turbines from earlier design proposals and from the Consented Development. It is worth noting that there will be no changes to the locations of the remaining turbines or associated infrastructure and the only changes will be the increase in tip height, fewer turbines and slightly larger turbine foundations.

vento ludens is also working hard to ensure its proposals maximise the generation of clean power whilst respecting the local environment.

Based on the changes to the proposed development, the development is no longer classified as a ‘Major’ development (as defined by the Town and Country (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009[3].

An initial virtual consultation event was undertaken in October 2021. Since this, feedback has been considered and some revisions made to the proposed design of the wind farm. We would like to invite you to attend a second public consultation event to find out more about the proposals. This is scheduled to take place on 8th December 2021 between 3pm and 7pm.at Deskford Jubilee Hall, AB56 5UD.

Given the current COVID-19 restrictions still in place, to ensure attendees are as safe as possible, we are asking members of the public to pre-register their attendance at this exhibition by emailing lurghillwindfarm@atmosconsulting.com or calling 0131 346 9100 and advising time for the visit. Time allocations may be further reviewed subject to capacity of the venue.

In line with Government Guidelines, we request that face coverings are worn and social distancing is maintained between different households. Visitors are required to register on arrival using the Check in Scotland service.

This event will provide further information about the project and members of the project team will be available to answer questions.

The public can also provide feedback about the proposals by completing this feedback form.

The final deadline for submitting comments will be Wednesday 12th January 2022.

PLEASE NOTE that comments submitted at this stage are not representations to the planning authority (The Moray Council). There will be an opportunity to make representations to The Moray Council when a formal application is made. The virtual consultation is an opportunity to comment on our plans, which may alter before a formal application is made.

We will not hold personal information other than for the purposes of this public exhibition, thereafter all data will be destroyed. Our privacy policy can be viewed here.
Atmos Consulting Ltd (Atmos) has been appointed by vento ludens to assist with public consultation for the development and if you would like more information please get in touch via the contact details below:

Atmos Consulting
CBC House
24 Canning Street
Tel: 0131 346 9100
Email: lurghillwindfarm@atmosconsulting.com


[1] PPA-300-2052 (Planning Permission Appeal)
[2] 17/01198/EIA Lurg Hill Deskford Moray
[3] The Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009